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Eden Menorah

Eden Menorah
Eden Menorah
Eden Menorah
Eden Menorah
Eden Menorah
Eden Menorah
Eden Menorah
Eden Menorah
Eden Menorah
Eden Menorah
Eden Menorah
Eden Menorah
Eden Menorah
Eden Menorah
Eden Menorah
We worked with California-based artist Liz Lauter to create my ideal menorah, featuring all of my favorite motifs: dogs, flowers, and fruit.

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We recommend using standard taper candles (not included). Please note that there will be differences in each uniquely made item, but we love that they're one of a kind.

Height: 16.5" / Width: 18" at widest point.

Hand wash carefully with warm soapy water and air dry.

Eden Menorah
Eden Menorah
Eden Menorah

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